ࡱ>  ebjbj΀ SIIIIIMMM,Mmmmmmmmm${nq(mI(mII=mIImmvB'l`h7MXi8lSm0mk<qqxlqIl(m(mmq : CONSTITUTION OF THE WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE Preamble In accordance with authority granted by the Board of Trustees, the faculty of 鶹ý Illinois University do hereby establish this Constitution as a means of facilitating faculty participation in the formation of basic University policies and pledge the cooperation of the faculty in the continued progress of 鶹ý Illinois University as an institution of higher education. It is the intent of this Constitution to establish through its councils and committees due process in matters of academic freedom for students and faculty. Article I - Purpose of Faculty Senate The Faculty Senate shall serve as a means by which the opinions and viewpoints of the faculty may be determined and communicated to the administration of the University, and it shall serve as an agency through which the faculty may participate in the formation of basic University policy. To accomplish these goals, the Faculty Senate shall: 1. Develop and recommend policies for continuous curricular development and improvement. 2. Develop and recommend policies for the: a. Improvement of instruction. b. Library and the acquisition and use of various aids to learning. c. Continuous evaluation of instructional procedures. d. Assessment of student learning. 3. Develop and recommend policies to be employed in the effective recruitment and selection of academic personnel. 4. Develop and recommend policies for the printing and publication of scholarly faculty publications. 5. Develop and recommend policies in connection with all intercollegiate programs. 6. Develop and recommend policies in the area of student academic advisement and counseling, and general student welfare. 7. Develop and recommend policies dealing with admission, retention, and graduation standards for undergraduate students. 8. Participate in the selection of faculty committees. 9. Participate in the formation of plans for developing and utilizing the physical facilities of the University. 10. Determine policies which will provide for faculty participation in the preparation of the budgets of the University. 11. Participate in discussion and make recommendations on any subject which affects the welfare of the University. 12. Participate in selection of faculty members to university-wide committees. Article II - Faculty Staff members eligible to vote are those who are full-time, who hold the rank of instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor, and who have their primary appointment in an academic department, in University Libraries, in the Counseling Center, or in the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs. Questions of interpretation of this article shall be decided by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate. Article III - Membership of Faculty Senate Section 1. Qualifications: All faculty members are eligible for Senate membership who meet the qualifications under Article II. Section 2. Representation: a. Each undergraduate college of the University shall be represented by one member for each forty faculty members or major fraction thereof. Persons to be enumerated for the purpose of determining Senate membership must be eligible to vote according to the provisions of Article II. All eligible faculty shall be enumerated within the college in which they vote. Persons with fractional assignments in academic departments shall be enumerated as the appropriate fraction of one faculty member. Each undergraduate college of the University with fewer than forty faculty members shall be represented by one member. b. Six representatives shall be elected by and from the faculty at large whose primary assignment is at the 鶹ý Illinois University campus in Macomb, and one representative shall be elected by and from the faculty at large whose primary assignment is at 鶹ý Illinois Universitys Regional Center in the Quad Cities. c. The Provost of the University shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Senate, without voting rights, and shall not hold Senate office. d. Adjustment in Senate membership shall be calculated at the end of the fall semester of each odd numbered year. New seats assigned to any college on the basis of this calculation shall then be filled at the following regular election. If, as a result of this calculation, a college loses a seat, the seat of the representative of that college whose term next expires shall remain unfilled. No Senator's seat shall be terminated during a regular term in order to adjust Senate membership. Article IV - Officers of the Faculty Senate Section 1. The officers of the Senate shall consist of a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and a secretary. The holding of a Senate office shall not abrogate the voting rights of that individual within the Senate. Section 2. The Executive Committee of the Senate shall consist of the Senate officers. Section 3. The duties of the officers shall be those usual to such offices or those duties specified by Senate action. Section 4. The officers of the Faculty Senate shall also conduct elections for the University as directed by the Faculty Senate or by the President. Section 5. The officers of the Faculty Senate shall also be responsible for the biennial reapportionment of the Faculty Senate. Section 6. The officers of the Faculty Senate shall also determine whether staff members who are assigned to new positions within the University shall be eligible to vote in Faculty Senate elections. Section 7. Vacancies in the offices of the Senate shall be filled by election. Section 8. Officers are elected for a term of one year and are eligible for re-election. Article V - Meetings Section 1. The Senate shall schedule regular monthly meetings during the academic year and shall be subject to call during the summer session. Section 2. Special meetings may be called by either the Chairperson of the Senate or the President of the University, or they may be called at the written request of one-third of the members of the Senate. Section 3. Three-fifths of the membership (excluding vacancies) constitute a quorum. All votes, unless otherwise specified, at regular and special meetings shall be computed based on the number of senators present and voting, provided a quorum is present. An abstention is not counted as a vote. Section 4. Actions and recommendations of the Faculty Senate shall be reported to the faculty through its official minutes. Actions and recommendations concerning curricular changes shall be forwarded to the President and Academic Vice President by written communication. The Academic Vice President shall approve, reject, or return proposals for specific emendation within a period of thirty days after Senate action. A proposal which is not acted upon within thirty days and for which there is no communication from the Academic Vice President to the Senate shall be considered to be approved. Section 5. All other actions and recommendations of the Faculty Senate shall be reported to the faculty through its official minutes, and the actions and recommendations shall be forwarded to the President of the University by written communication. The President shall approve, reject, or return proposals for specific emendation within a period of thirty days after Senate action. A proposal which is not acted upon within thirty days and for which there is no communication from the President to the Senate shall be considered to be approved. Section 6. Meetings of the Senate shall be open unless an executive session is voted by a majority of the Senate. With the consent of the Senate, non-members may participate in its deliberations. Section 7. Minutes of Senate meetings shall be distributed to all faculty members, administrative officers of the University, officers of the Student Government Association, and members of the Board of Trustees. Minutes may be distributed electronically. Section 8. All actions by the Senate shall be considered as final faculty decisions subject to the provisions for referendum provided in Article VII, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4. Article VI - Amendments Amendments to this constitution may be presented in writing by any eligible faculty member. The Senate shall act on the proposed amendment at the next regular meeting following the one at which the amendment was presented. If the proposed amendment is approved by a two-thirds vote of the total membership of the Senate, it shall be submitted by the Executive Committee to the eligible faculty (Article II) for approval within thirty days. Voting shall be by mail ballot. An affirmative vote of a majority of the faculty voting shall constitute approval of the amendment; then upon approval of the President of the University, the amendment shall become a part of the constitution. Article VII - Referendum Section 1. Any action of the Senate shall be subject to referendum upon presentation of the petition signed by twenty percent of the eligible faculty. All petitions for referenda must include the precise language to appear on the ballot to be used in each referendum. A referendum may also be initiated by a majority vote of the Senate. A valid request for a referendum suspends all actions that directly depend upon the result of the referendum. Section 2. A request for referendum shall be submitted to the chairperson of the Senate who shall convene the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate within ten school days. Section 3. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall conduct the referendum by mail ballot to the eligible faculty within thirty days of receipt of the petition by the Senate chairperson. Section 4. The Senate shall be governed by the results of the referendum. Article VIII - Parliamentary Authority The rules contained in the current edition of Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall govern the meetings of the Senate, its councils, and its committees in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the constitution, the bylaws, and any special rules of order the Senate may adopt. Article IX This Constitution shall be in effect upon approval by a majority of faculty as defined in Article II of the Constitution now in effect and upon approval by the President of the University and the Board of Trustees. Constitution Ratified by faculty, May 1969 Accepted by Board of Governors, September 1969 Amended: Faculty Senate, April 1, 2003 Amended: Faculty Senate, April 11, 1972 Ratified: Faculty, April 18, 2003 Ratified: Faculty, November 15, 1972 Approved: President, April 23, 2003 Amended: Faculty Senate, January 5, 1976 Amended: Faculty Senate, January 20, 2004 Ratified: Faculty, April 21, 1976 Ratified: Faculty, February 24, 2004 Approved: President, May 19, 1976 Amended: Faculty Senate, April 6, 2004 Amended: Faculty Senate, September 13, 1976 Ratified: Faculty, May 12, 2004 Approved: President, September 17, 1976 Approved: President, May 19, 2004 Amended: Faculty Senate, December 19, 1978 Approved: President, March 3, 1979 Amended: Faculty Senate, October 26, 1982 Approved: President, February 28, 1983 Amended: Faculty Senate, September 27, 1983 Approved: President, December 12, 1983 Amended: Faculty Senate, October 9, 1984 Approved: President, December 10, 1984 Amended: Faculty Senate, November 20, 1992 Approved: President, December 7, 1992 Amended: Faculty Senate, October 28, 1994 Approved: President, November 4, 1994 鶹ý FACULTY SENATE BYLAWS Article I - Election to Membership Section 1. The college to which the faculty member is assigned for voting and representation purposes is the one specified in the faculty member's employment contract. If for any reason the assignment is uncertain, the Executive Committee shall ascertain from the faculty member the department or college to which the faculty member wishes to be assigned for voting purposes. For the purposes of voting and representation, librarians are considered members of the College of Arts and Sciences; coaches and members of the Counseling Center who are eligible to vote according to Article II of the Constitution are considered members of the College of Education and Human Services. Faculty members in the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs who are eligible to vote according to Article II of the Constitution are considered to be members of the College of Business and Technology. Section 2. The regular term of office of a Senator shall be three years. No Senator may serve consecutively more than one regular term of three years. One year must elapse before a Senator is eligible for re-election. Section 3. A faculty member filling a one- or two-year term may be renominated and re-elected. For the purpose of balancing the number of Senators to be elected in any one year, the Senate may revise the term of office prior to the election. Section 4. Membership by election to fill a vacancy shall extend to the end of the semester to which the vacating Senator is absent. Section 5. Election to fill a vacancy shall not disqualify a member for election at the next regular election period. Article II - Conducting of Nominations Section 1. The Executive Committee shall notify the faculty of the vacancies that occur in the membership of the Faculty Senate. This shall be done at least thirty calendar days prior to the date of the election. Section 2. Nominations for members to fill vacancies shall be made by petition. No faculty member shall run for more than one Senate vacancy during each election cycle. At least fifteen members or twenty percent of the eligible college faculty, whichever is fewer, must sign the petition of a college representative and at least fifteen eligible University faculty members must sign the petition for a University representative. An eligible faculty member may sign more than one petition for that faculty member's college representatives and at-large representatives. Section 3. At least fifteen calendar days before election, the sponsors of college and at-large representatives will present to the Executive Committee the petitions for nominations. Section 4. The faculty member sponsoring a petition for nomination of a member must secure the written consent of the nominee. Section 5. The Executive Committee shall validate the petition to determine the eligibility of the nominee and the qualifications of the petitioners. Section 6. A nominee may withdraw by notifying the Executive Committee in writing no later than three days after the deadline for filing petitions. Article III - Election of Members and Officers of the Faculty Senate Section 1. Election of Members The Executive Committee shall begin election proceedings no later than ten calendar days after the official start of the spring semester. b. In the election, a simple plurality of the faculty voting will be required. In case of a tie vote, a run-off election shall be held within ten calendar days of the announcement of the tie vote. d. The faculty shall be informed of the results and the tabulation of the vote. In case of dual college appointments, the Executive Committee shall ascertain from the faculty member the college in which that faculty member wishes to be considered. In case a duly elected candidate is unable to assume office, the Executive Committee shall hold an election within thirty calendar days. Section 2. Election of Officers Election of officers shall be by secret ballot of the newly elected members and continuing members of the Senate. The next years Senate, comprised of the newly elected members plus the continuing members from the existing Senate, shall be convened during the spring semester only for the purpose of electing officers at the first regularly scheduled meeting of the existing Senate in April. Senators who have temporarily vacated their seats during the spring semester may either be present to vote for Senate officers or provide their official replacement with a written proxy for this election only. c. A majority of the votes cast shall be required for the election of an officer. Officers shall take office at the first regularly scheduled Senate meeting of the next academic year. The chairperson of the Senate and its Councils and Committees shall appoint a Parliamentarian, who shall serve as an informal advisor to the chairperson on matters of parliamentary procedure. Article IV - Agenda Section 1. The agenda shall be prepared by the Executive Committee and submitted to the faculty at least five days prior to the meeting. Faculty members may submit, in writing, requests for Senate consideration of any appropriate subject. Such requests will be evaluated by the Executive Committee, and: a. placed on the Senate agenda or; b. referred to an appropriate committee or; c. referred to the administration. The person submitting an item for consideration shall be notified of the disposition of the item within ten days after the meeting of the Executive Committee at which time the item was considered. The Executive Committee shall append to each publication of Senate minutes a statement of all items that have been submitted to it for placement on the agenda and shall indicate the disposition of each item. Section 2. The order of the agenda may be changed while the Senate is in session by a majority vote of those Senators present and voting. Section 3. An item may be added to the agenda while the Senate is in session by a two-thirds vote of those Senators present and voting. Section 4. Motions and/or resolutions relevant to an agenda item may be proposed from the floor by any Senator. Article V - Amendments Amendments to the bylaws may be presented in writing by any member of the Senate or not less than ten eligible faculty members. The Senate shall act on the proposed amendment at the next regular meeting following the one at which the amendment was presented. Amendments to the bylaws shall be effective upon approval by at least two-thirds of the total membership of the Senate. Article VI - Committees and Councils Section 1. The Faculty Senate may create such standing and special committees and councils as it deems necessary to the exercise of its powers and responsibilities. The Faculty Senate shall determine the powers, duties, and organization of each such committee and council. No provision of this section shall be construed to preclude administrative officers from creating administrative committees and councils, from assigning to them such duties and powers as they desire, and from appointing members of the faculty to serve on them. Section 2. Ex-officio members of committees and councils do not have voting rights. Committees and councils shall elect their own chairperson unless it is otherwise stipulated in the bylaws or by action of the Senate A. Committee on Committees The Senate shall elect four of its members, one from each college, to serve for one year as a Committee on Committees member. The Senate shall also elect one of the four members of the Committee on Committees as the Chair of the Committee on Committees. This Committee shall nominate members for all Senate committees and councils and shall nominate members for other committees upon the request of the President of the University. The Committee on Committees shall make its recommendations to the Senate by the first regular meeting in April. The Senate shall act upon the recommendations of the Committee on Committees by the last regularly scheduled meeting in April. (Last amended 4-6-04) Committee on Provost and Presidential Performance Membership: The Committee shall consist of five Senate members elected by the Faculty Senate. At least one member shall be elected from among the current membership of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. The Committee shall be constituted annually at one of the first Senate meetings of the year and shall conduct the surveys annually, except that there will be no committee composed or survey distributed in the first year of a given persons appointment to the position of Provost or President. 2. Duties: To create a survey instrument (or modify one previously used) for the Provost and Presidential positions. Each survey will include items that will allow faculty members to indicate their opinions of the performance of the Provost and President. Each new or modified survey must be approved by the Faculty Senate prior to implementation. To distribute the Provost and Presidential surveys to all 鶹ý faculty who are eligible to serve on the Faculty Senate. To oversee the collection and data analysis of each survey. To prepare a summary report to include tabulation of responses to each question on the survey and an executive summary highlighting points of interest. To distribute a draft of the summary report and the executive summary to the Faculty Senate by the first Senate meeting in April of each year. The summary report and the executive summary must be approved by the Faculty Senate prior to distribution. To distribute a summary report and the executive summary of the Provost survey to the Provost, President, the Board of Trustees members, and to the members of the Faculty Senate. To distribute a summary report and the executive summary of the Presidential survey to the President, the Board of Trustees members, and to the members of the Faculty Senate. To make data available to Faculty Senate members upon request and approval of the Faculty Senate. (Section B. added 10-15-02) C. Council on Admission, Graduation, and Academic Standards 1. Membership: The Council shall consist of seventeen members, including two undergraduate students selected by the Student Government Associations. The Senate shall appoint ten members. Each college of the University shall have at least two members. The two at-large members must be from different colleges. The Provost and Academic Vice President, the Registrar, the Assistant/Associate Vice President for Student Judicial Affairs, the Director of Admissions, or their designees, and an advisor elected from the Council of Academic Advisors shall be ex-officio members. 2. Duties: a. To review and evaluate policies, procedures, and requirements concerning admission, retention, academic standards and graduation for departments, colleges and the University. b. To make recommendations to the Senate regarding policies concerned with admission, retention, academic standards and graduation, and to establish procedures for the implementation of these policies. c. To recommend policy to the Senate and establish procedures for dealing with proficiency examinations and other special examinations, substitution of courses and changes in course of study, credit granted by transfer, honors courses, and other matters involved in the academic progress of students. d. To maintain liaison with agencies of student government that are concerned with academic matters, and to consider the recommendations of such agencies. e. To maintain liaison with the Council on Curricular Programs and Instruction when issues arise concerning both curricular matters and matters of admission, graduation and academic standards. f. To maintain liaison with the Graduate Council when issues arise concerning policy of common concern. g. To interpret University policies, procedures and requirements regarding admission, retention, graduation and academic stan-dards, and to consider appeals regarding these policies, procedures and requirements. h. To perform such other duties as designated by the Faculty Senate. (Last amended 4-10-07) D. Council on Campus Planning and Usage 1. Membership: The Council shall consist of nine members, including one undergraduate student selected by the Student Government Associations. The Senate shall appoint six members. Each college of the University shall have at least one member. The Director of Physical Plant shall be an ex-officio member. A faculty liaison to the Master Plan Implementation Team shall be appointed by Faculty Senate to serve as an ex-officio member of the Council. 2. Duties: a. To provide faculty input and interaction on the academic relevance and impact of proposed modifications to campus facilities and physical resources. b. To make recommendations through the Faculty Senate to the Provost, President, and other administrators on new space needs or modifications required to support academic programs of the University. c. To provide input to the Faculty Senate, the Provost, and the President on campus planning and usage. (Last amended 9-29-09) E. Council on Curricular Programs and Instruction 1. Membership: The Council shall consist of thirteen members, including one undergraduate student selected by the Student Government Associations. The Senate shall appoint ten faculty members. Each college of the University shall have at least two members. The Provost and Academic Vice President (or the Provost's designee) shall be an ex-officio member. A representative from the Registrar's Office shall also be an ex-officio member. 2. Duties: a. To recommend to the Faculty Senate the approval or disapproval of all new academic programs and courses as well as changes in existing academic programs and courses which affect catalog copy. b. To develop such policies and procedures as are needed to implement a. of this section. To maintain liaisons with CAGAS, CGE, CIE, WID, and UTEC when issues arise concerning their respective areas. c. To recommend to the Senate which specific curricular matters may be approved at department or college level without requiring Senate approval. To serve as an agency for arbitration in cases of conflicting interests and responsibilities involving curricular matters which may arise between departments and colleges. To perform such other duties related to curriculum as designated by the Faculty Senate. (Last amended 10-27-09) F. Council on General Education 1. Membership: The Council shall consist of sixteen members, including one undergraduate student selected by the Student Government Associations. The Faculty Senate shall appoint twelve members. There shall be two representatives per category from disciplines offering courses in categories I-IV. For the two members representing category I, one member must teach courses on college writing and one representative must teach public speaking. For the two members representing category IV, one member must teach courses in the Fine Arts and one representative must teach courses in the Humanities. Categories V and VI shall each have one representative selected from the disciplines offered in those categories. There shall be two at-large representatives from disciplines not offering courses in categories I-IV and VI. All colleges shall have at least one member and no college may have more than six members. Should any seat go unfilled by a member of its constituency, this seat shall be opened to all eligible faculty. The Dean's Council representative, the Provost's representative, and the Council of Academic Advisers representative shall serve as ex-officio members. 2. Duties: a. To establish Faculty Liaison Committees for each area of the General Education Curriculum, make requests of them and receive their reports. b. To periodically review and evaluate the philosophy and goals of General Education. c. To review the General Education Curriculum, and ongoing assessments of that curriculum by other agencies, in order to insure that the curriculum reflects the University's philosophy and goals of General Education. d. To determine on the basis of assessment results the level of adequacy of students' achievement of the goals of General Education, as well as effectiveness of any changes made in the curriculum of General Education. e. To develop procedures designed to lead to the improvement of student learning and the instructional process in the General Education Curriculum and forward those to the Faculty Senate for approval. f. To receive and review departments' plans and reports on assessment of General Education. g. To consider and make recommendations about the means of delivery for General Education courses to enhance student learning. h. To respond to departmental requests regarding General Education courses and make appropriate recommendations regarding such courses to the Faculty Senate. i. On request, to deliberate about the articulation of 鶹ý General Education requirements with those of community colleges and other colleges and universities. j. On request, to deliberate about the impact of any changes in General Education on certification and accreditation programs as well as respond to the needs of those programs. k. To maintain liaison with CCPI, CAGAS, the Advising Center, and other agencies in order to consider matters of interest in the area of General Education to any or all concerned. l. To communicate at the beginning of the academic year to administrators and faculty the writing requirement for all courses in the General Education Curriculum. m. To develop and offer programs, in conjunction with other University agencies, to foster awareness and understanding of General Education, to inform General Education instructors about specific pedagogical practices well-suited to General Education courses, and to educate General Education instructors about writing as a pedagogy. n. To make recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding any or all of the duties described above. o. To perform such other duties as designated by the Senate. (Last amended 3-18-08) G. Council on Intercollegiate Athletics 1. Membership: This Council shall consist of eight members (seven voting) including two undergraduate students (one male and one female), one appointed by the Student Government Associations and one appointed by the Student-Athlete Advisory Board, and the faculty representative to the National Collegiate Athletic Association. The Senate shall appoint one faculty member from each college. The Director of Athletics (or appointee) will serve as an ex-officio member. 2. Duties: a. To review all current intercollegiate athletic programs; to recommend policies and procedures for maximizing effective athletic programs as they relate to federal, NCAA, and conference guidelines and to University missions and resources; and, to designate ways in which athletics can contribute effectively to the University and its constituencies. b. To formulate and submit to the Senate for approval University policies and procedures regarding athletics and to determine whether all policies and procedures conform to the regulations of the athletic conferences and accrediting agencies with which the University holds affiliation and academic credentialing. Such policies and procedures shall include but are not limited to the athletic mission statement, rules for eligibility, approval of scheduling, athletic academic counseling, student-athletes' grades, graduation rate reports, sportsmanship and NCAA rules violations. Exceptions to scheduling must be referred to CAGAS for approval. These policies and procedures may be changed by a majority vote of the Council with the approval of the Senate and the President. (Last amended 4-6-04) H. Council for Instructional Technology 1. Membership: The Council for Instructional Technology shall consist of fourteen members, including one undergraduate student selected by the Student Government Associations. Faculty Senate shall appoint three faculty members from each of the four academic colleges and one faculty member from University Libraries. 2. Duties: a. To facilitate the use of new technologies in the classroom. b. To serve as a focal point for faculty to bring forward ideas pertaining to instructional technology. c. To communicate the technology needs and desires of the faculty to the administration. d. To assist administrators to communicate new and applicable technology advancements to the faculty. e. To facilitate communication with units such as the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Research to ensure that appropriate workshops are offered for new technologies. f. To recommend or interpret University policies, procedures, and requirements regarding instructional technology. g. To work with the appropriate administrators to help establish timelines for implementation of technological initiatives and to ensure accountability on these initiatives. h. To serve as consultants to the faculty and the Faculty Senate. i. To oversee the Online Course Information Database and recommend improvements when needed to the Faculty Senate. j. To perform such other duties as designated by the Faculty Senate. (Added 9-30-08) I. Council for International Education Membership: The Council for International Education shall consist of thirteen members (eleven voting) including nine faculty members (two from each college and one from the Library) appointed by the Faculty Senate, two students (one study abroad student and one international student), and two ex-officio members from the Center for International Studies. Preference will be given to faculty with international education or experience. Duties: a. To recommend initial approval of all International courses and curricula. b. To recommend approval of all significant changes in the International component requirements for individual courses and curricula. c. To conduct periodic reviews of all International courses to assure compliance with the principles and practices of the International graduation requirement. d. To maintain a list of all current instructors of International courses. e. To monitor course enrollment in International courses. f. To work with and through the Center for International Studies to promote International course, curricula, and academic activities on campus. g. To serve as consultants to faculty and Faculty Senate. h. To perform such other duties as designated by the Faculty Senate. (Added 4-6-04) J. Summer School Committee 1. Membership: The Summer School Committee shall consist of nine members, including one undergraduate student selected by the Student Government Associations. Faculty Senate shall appoint two faculty members from each of the four academic colleges. 2. Duties: a. To annually survey the faculty/departments concerning their views of summer school. b. To annually review data descriptive of summer school and note any trends found in this data. c. To annually report to the Faculty Senate its review of the summer school program. d. To assist administrators with communicating new and applicable summer initiatives to the faculty. e. To recommend new policies or changes to existing policies regarding summer school. f. To work with the appropriate administrators to help establish timelines for implementation of summer school initiatives and to encourage accountability on these initiatives. g. To evaluate and recommend summer school initiatives that are brought forward to Faculty Senate in terms of pedagogic, academic and programmatic standards. h. To serve as consultants to the faculty and the Faculty Senate. i. To serve as a resource to the faculty and Faculty Senate on summer school issues and ideas. j. To perform such other duties as designated by the Faculty Senate. (Added 4-27-10) K. Writing Instruction in the Disciplines Committee 1. Membership: The Committee shall consist of eleven members (eight voting) including one undergraduate student (non-voting) selected by the Student Government Associations, eight faculty members (two from each college) appointed by the Faculty Senate, and two ex-officio members. The voting members must be (or have been) instructors in WID courses. The Director of the Writing Center and the Director of Writing Programs shall serve as the two ex-officio members. 2. Duties: a. To recommend to the Faculty Senate the approval and disapproval of all new WID courses. b. To recommend to the Faculty Senate the approval and disapproval of all significant changes in the WID requirements for individual majors. c. To conduct periodic reviews of all WID courses to assure compliance with the principles of the Writing Instruction in the Disciplines graduation requirement. d. To maintain a list of all current instructors of WID courses. e. To monitor course enrollment in WID courses. f. To secure periodic feedback from students, faculty, alumni, and employers concerning the implementation and effects of the Writing Instruction in the Disciplines graduation requirement. g. To sponsor one or more faculty development activities each year to improve Writing Instruction in the Disciplines courses. h. To perform such other duties as designated by the Faculty Senate. (Last amended 4-6-04) Article VII - Rules Governing Committees and Councils of the Senate A. Membership: Members of the faculty with academic rank are eligible to serve on all committees and councils. Unless otherwise specified, the term of appointment shall be three years and shall follow a staggered plan. No faculty member may serve consecutively more than one regular term of three years on a standing committee or council. One year must elapse before a faculty member who has served a regular term on a standing committee or council is eligible for re-appointment. Faculty members shall not serve concurrently on more than one standing committee or council of the Senate. Members of the Senate may not serve on standing councils of the Senate during their term in office as Senators. Vacancies in committees and councils to which the Senate has made appointments shall be filled by the Senate. When a member of a committee or council establishes a record of absenteeism, the chairperson of that committee or council should contact the member to determine the reason for the absences. If the individual chooses not to resign but persists in absenteeism, the chairperson of the committee or council shall inform the chairperson of the Faculty Senate who shall have the official authority to dismiss with thanks the committee member and authorize the Committee on Committees to nominate to the Faculty Senate a replacement. B. Reporting: Each committee and council shall develop and submit to the Senate for approval written policy and procedure statements. It shall recommend policy and procedural changes to the Senate and the President when such changes seem desirable. 2. Each committee and council shall keep written minutes of all meetings. 3. Each committee and council shall submit an annual report to the Senate prior to the first regular Senate meeting in September of each year. 4. Proposals and/or recommendations submitted to the Senate and referred by the Senate to a committee or council shall be reported in that committee or council's official minutes. The committee or council of the Senate shall indicate its approval, rejection, or lack of action on a proposal or recommendation within thirty days after the referral and return the proposal or recommendation to the Senate for final consideration. A proposal, which is not returned within thirty days and for which there is no communication from the committee or council to the originator, shall be regarded as having committee or council approval and shall be taken up by the Senate for final consideration. 5. Each council or committee of the Faculty Senate must report each of its recommendations to the Senate for final consideration. Each such recommendation will become an agenda item for the next regular Senate meeting. If no Senator objects to a recommendation, that recommendation will be treated as having received Senate approval. If one or more Senators move further consideration of one or several recommendations, the recommendation(s) will be taken up at a subsequent meeting. The requirement to delay the recommendation(s) of a council or committee until a subsequent meeting because of the objection of one or more Senators may be suspended by a two-thirds vote of the Senators present and voting. The recommendation(s) may then be amended, approved, or rejected at the meeting in progress. C. Jurisdiction: Questions or jurisdiction of committees and councils shall be resolved by the Senate. Bylaws Ratified: Faculty, 5/69 Accepted: Board of Governors, 9/69 Amended: 12/9/69 5/l6/72 1/26/90 4/29/99 9/30/08 1/13/70 12/17/73 5/9/90 11/16/99 3/31/09 2/10/70 11/5/74 4/25/91 9/4/01 4/27/10 2/24/70 10/21/75 10/27/92 10/15/02 2/26/70 3/9/76 11/8/94 4/6/04 3/28/70 10/26/76 3/28/95 4/25/06 9/22/70 3/20/79 5/2/95 4/10/07 9/21/71 4/29/80 2/10/98 9/18/07 4/11/72 2/l4/84 2/9/99 3/18/08     ?AIc 67K#LMOPd''***H.I.o...////00000 121Y1}11112>222222%33-5.5555;;;<{<=`===>? @@UAWAAh hPHh!56>*\]h!6>*]h$= h!>*h$}yh!5>*\h!h!5CJ\aJL1@AJK a b c ; < g h $]^`a$$]^`a$ $]^a$ $]^a$ $]^a$$a$$a$   ' ( VWLMq$]^`a$$0]^`0a$ $]^a$$]^`a$qr567LM$%@A $]^a$ $]^a$$]^`a$$0]^`0a$ $]^a$./st L$`a$$ `p`^p``a$$a$$@ ^@ a$ $@ 0^@ `0a$$]^`a$$]^`a$ $]^a$$R 0]^R `0a$LMZ[NOPef H#I#m%$`a$$ `p`^p``a$$a$m%n%3&4&5'6''''''*****,,;-<-=---$ `p`^p``a$ $]^a$$]a$$ `p`]^p``a$$a$-G.H.I.p.q./////00000021}112$ ``^``a$$ ``^``a$gdPH$ ` ^ `a$$^a$$a$$`a$2f222J3u33334<4e44445-5H5I5J5m5n5$a$$ ``^``a$gdPH$ ` ^ `a$gdPH$ ``^``a$n5668899::=;>;;;;;;<<>>???)@*@@ $p0^p`0a$$a$$ `p`^p``a$@@UAVAWAAAAAGBHBBBCC_C`CD D$ & F `@ @ ^@ a$$ & F `@ @ ^@ a$$p`pa$$ & F `@ @ ^@ a$$`a$$ `p`^p``a$$a$ DDDDD&E'EGGcGdGGGGHHHHH$ & F `@ @ ^@ a$$p`pa$$ & F `@ @ ^@ a$$`a$$a$$ & F `@ @ ^@ a$A4E5EHHHeMgM}MN#O>Q?QR4RTTT!UVV\\\\]#];]>]T]U]^_`.`dddddddddd e*\ h!>*hMh!=HIIII&JIJJJKKKKkLlLLLeMfMgM~MMNN$`a$$^a$$p`pa$$a$$p^pa$$ `p`^p``a$NNN$O%O=Q>Q?QRR5R6RSSXTYTTTT!U$ & F `@ @ ^@ a$$!`!a$$ & F `^a$ $ `a$$p`pa$$ `p`^p``a$$a$!U"U.U/UUUWW'W(W X!XXXXXX$ & F `^a$$^a$$`a$$ & F `^a$$@ `@ a$$ & F `^a$$ & F `^a$$a$X8Y9YYYZZ[[4\5\\\\\|$p`pa$$`a$$ & F `^a$$ & F `^a$$ & F `^a$$ & F `^a$$ & F `^a$$a$$ & F `^a$\]]2_3_>_?___```xaaabbJcKcccd$`a$$^a$$ `0^`0a$ $0^`0a$$^a$$a$$@ `@ a$ddddeeeeffff|g}gggFhGhhhhh$^a$$0^`0a$gd$^a$$@ `@ a$$p`pa$ $0^`0a$$a$h i ijjjjkkOlWlllmmn n)n*n$ & F `@ 0@& ^@ `0a$gd`c$a$gd`c$ & F `a$gd $ & F `a$ $0^`0a$$^a$$a$$@ `@ a$7lMlmmmnnn n(nUnun5oqq2r>v?vvvwwww[x\xyyyyyjzz9{Y{{{{||Y|g|h|i|k|m|n|p|v|| ۽ЮУЮООh!6CJ]aJh&0h!5 h`c5hS6CJ]aJhF,6CJ]aJhZ\hF,hShJDj h`c5\h`c6CJ]aJh`ch6CJ]aJhh!6CJ]aJh!h5*n9n:npprrrrfsgssssttsutu=v>vvvw $`a$gd`c$0^`0a$gd`c $^a$gd`c$a$gd`c $@ `@ a$gd`cwwwwZx[xx yyyyfzgz{{||Y|p||$ & F `a$gd`c $!`!a$gd`c $^a$gd`c $`a$gd`c$a$gd`c$0^`0a$gd`c $`a$gd`c||||s~t~~~~/0CDs$ & F `^a$gd$ & F `a$gd`c$a$gd`c $0^`0a$$^a$$@ `@ a$$a$ 4Ո܈4<BCDEHIKS_|}UZcfĹϣ{wwwwh! hih5h&0h!5 h`c5 hhhd6CJ]aJhdh h5 hd5hh5h6CJ]aJh`c6CJ]aJh`ch&0h`c5hF6CJ]aJhFh`hRgh^h h5.stĄń01Ї$ & F `^`a$gd`$ & F `^`a$gdRg$ & F `^`a$gd^$ & F `^`a$gd$ & F `p0^p`0a$gdЇч$%&ϊЊ؊ي $^a$gd`c $ `a$gd`c$a$gd`c$ & F `a$gd`c$ & F `^`a$gd`$ & F `p0^p`0a$gdي&'RSٌڌjk$a$$ & F `a$gd$ & F `^a$gd`c$ & F `^`a$gd`c$a$gd`c$ & F `0^`0a$gd`c12-.<=JK$@ ^@ `a$gdd$0^`0a$gd$0^`0a$gdd$a$gd $^a$gdd$a$DE|}TUbcL$ & F `0^`0a$gdd $^a$gdd$ & F `p0^p`0a$gdd$ & F `a$gd`c$a$$0^`0a$gdd$0^`0a$gd•KPݖ/4`e#? 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